POST ONE VEN Harbinger In Orbot of Qirool VI Qirool System Taldot Sector Muz nodded at the Consul before turning, his warcoat flaring out as he left the bridge in silence. His queen1 followed suit, keeping pace with the Lord of the Krath as he made his way through the stark and grey imperial architecture. Jax looked at Sanguinius as the doors slid shut behind them, the unspoken question hanging between the two. Sang furrowed a brow and glowered at the man, then looked back toward the transparasteel. "Really?" Jax muttered, half under his breath. "If you want to stop him, be my guest." Sang waved with his hand toward the door, eyes locked on the Tarenti fleet. It was impressive, he had to give them that. "That said, I would rather not have to find a new second so soon." Jax raised an eyebrow, his mind spinning through scenarios and plans. "Yes, he is." Sang interrupted his chain of thought with the simple words. "Hrm?" "Yes, he is that scary." Sanguinius folded his arms behind his back, and island of calm amidst the hectic buzz of the bridge. "Be glad he is on our side." A sensor technician turned from his display. "Sir, we've lost contact with the Fallen Spear." He adjusted his cover awkwardly, and then cleared his throat. "I've already done secondary sweeps." Sanguinius dismissed him with a wave of his hand that reached up to stroke his freshly shaven chin at the end of the movement. The game just got more interesting, as he somehow always knew it would. ADS Fallen Spear In Orbot of Qirool VI Qirool System Taldot Sector The bay doors slid closed as the clan transport cleared them, the view of the Venator vanishing from sight. Ashia moved behind him, the click of her heeled boots echoing across his ears as she moved toward the turbolift, pausing to look into the shaded part of the cargo bay. He turned, watching her stare into the microclimate. Stepping toward her, he rest a hand on her shoulder, her hand reaching up to touch his. The chirp of his arm interrupted him. He twisted his arm, the display engaging, folding out of the mechanical arm, as the comm was acknowledged. Blackwind's lilted basic came through clearly. "As you suspected, Lord, we are getting a hail from the Tarentum flag." Ashia looked up at him, half of a smile on her lips as she stepped away, calling the turbolift to their level. "Right." He closed the arm, the smooth gears and pistons pulling the panels closed so that all that was left was the smooth polished seams. He had spent years working on it, perfecting it to be exactly what he had wanted. He looked up at her as the doors opened and she stepped on. Are you going to be okay? She let a glimmer of concern cloud behind her eyes as she let the words cross the ether between them. Muz looked at her, his eyebrow twitching up a half degree, his head tilted slightly. hy wouldn't I be? You've talked more in the last two hours than you have in the last three weeks. She smiled at him. Are you sure this isn't a bit too much socialization for you? He let out a slight chuckle and shook his head. She was right, after all. Words were generally a waste of breath, things people used because they loved to hear the sound of their own voice. And yet, he had to be uncharacteristically vocal in explaining things to the new consul. It bothered him on some level, but the alternative was letting the clan stumble and fail. That was an unacceptable end. The turbolift opened, the dark corridor ahead of them lit by false torches, holographic flames flickering in a close fascimile of fire. They moved forward, the corridor coming to two doors on either side. She stepped past him, the whirring of locks opening rising above the crackle of flame before the sound of rushing water and insects washed over them. He stood in the hallway, watching as she stepped into the verdant embrace of the forest night. She turned and smiled at him, the artificial breeze catching her long auburn hair. Coming? He stepped forward, letting the air wash over him, the scents of a hundred thousand plants, the essence of the soil, the water, the Force signatures of all of the life rustling across his senses. He could almost not hear the dull throb of the Ship's engines, the whine at the edge of the periphery that told him that the cloaks were engaged. The meditation gardens were not easy to come by, but a welcome solace. Korras is coming. He watched her smile shift for a moment. It's been a long time. I should meet him. She laughed at him for a moment. Should I be worried? Muz let his head slide lower and tilt to the right a degree. About getting back into politics after all of that? Muz let a smile creep up the side of his face. Ruins Qirool VI Qirool System Taldot Sector Raikou watched the ghosts roil a few meters in front of him, his eyes lit by purpose and interest. The spun in random patterns, wisps of ephemera tangling between each other as they swarmed the air, stirred into action by rage and a purpose they had yet to divine. He found his hand wrapped around that book again, the chains that bound it to his belt cool and assuring to his hand. He listened for her orders, for her demands, but heard nothing. He resisted the urge to lower his blaster, to raise the book and all but invite the voice back. “This is Evelynn to Raikou, do you copy?” He felt the repeater getting heavier, his willpower ebbing, addicted to whatever madness bloomed when the smoke behind his eyes mixed with the twisted symbols of that old parchment. He could almost hear her now, speaking through the space between his ears, a soothing counterpoint to Muz's gravel tones. She would know what he should do here, a million years and miles away, but still with him. Always, bathed in blood and love. He watched the ghosts spin as her voice came to him, quiet but steady. I have a use for you... ADS Fallen Spear In Orbot of Qirool VI Qirool System Taldot Sector The shuttle hissed as it lifted up, antigrav maneuvering jets spinning the transport around to park off to one side of the bay as the weird wobble sound of the cloaks engaging again echoed through the closing bay doors. Darth Aeternus, the last of the Obelisk High Commanders and a Master on the Star Chamber stood in the evaporating wash of the jets, waiting. The rumors said he was as immortal as the man he was here to meet. He had heard some of the hushed rumors, people wishing that there was a holofeed of the next few minutes. It was folly, rumor and wishful thinking. He had another name, back then, but they had gone through Lyspair together, through the ranks of Tarthos and Sepros, and then, when Muz took the throne, he commanded his armies for years. Aeternus smiled broadly as he saw his old friend step off of the turbolift. "Always biting off more than you can chew, you crazy old Krath." "It gives me a reason to call you in to handle my light work." Muz chuckled as he grasped the other man's arm, bringing him closer so he could thump him on the back in a greeting. "Besides, maybe this time you and I can have that rematch." He stepped back, his left arm glinting in the light. "I owe you." Aeternus let the smile fade for a moment. "I think I'll stay with my 1-0 record, thanks." He stepped forward, walking with him toward the lift as he laughed. "Do you want to tell me why we are out here?" Muz stopped, turning to look at him. "You know exactly why we are here." Aeternus smiled. POST TWO Qirool VI Surface Temple approach and Landing Area Hades turned to walk away, moving toward a spot for a quick discussion with the Quaestor when something made them all pause. The area grew unnaturally quiet. It seemed that there was a dullness to everything now, their heartbeats pounding in their heads a little bit louder than before while every other sound felt somewhat muted, filtered through a pool of water. t???hes?????e???p??o??????w?_???e????r??s?????t????h?a???????t???????y????o??????u???c????l???i???n?????g???????_t?o????????a??????_r????e????n????o?????t???h?????i????n??????_g????? Evelynn cocked her head, looking strangely at the Tarenti, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. Hades narrowed his eyes in response, turning toward the crumbling entryway as he watched the swirling grey come pouring out like a fountain. This was not what he had expected. It swept over the stomes toward them, thinning into tendrils that reached for them, for each of them at once. Their words came again, muddled by the grave, by the nexus of energy that brought them here all too many eons ago...that brought the clans here now. y?o??????u???w????i?ll???s??????t??a??y??_???w?_?i????t??h?????u??s??n???????o???w??????s??????t????????a?????y????w???i??????t_??h????????i???t???????? Sabers blared into existence, swiping at the mist, severing things that had no form, sending them back away from them only to have them pool and crash against them again, a tide of ancient horror that saught their flesh, their minds. Tarenti and Sadow alike bounded backward, their weapons arrayed in defensive velocities as they guarded themselves against each progressive assault. n?_?y??a??????k???a????????i??????d???????a ?????t?????s?_??h?u?s?_?_??h????k?a??s???? "That is enough." The words echoed in their heads and their ears, the outstretched hand of the Lion of Tarthos directing the Force to smash through their ghostly form, sending the wisps to swirl in panicked eddies. Next to him, the silver trimmed hood of Darth Aeternus was pushed back, his calm eyes regarding the scene ahead of them. Evelynn let out a breath, standing up a little taller as she watched the smoke pour back into the temple. "Good timing." She raised an eyebrow and turned back to the Lords. Aeternus let out a soft chuckle as Muz stepped toward the entry, giving the fellow Quaestor a quick nod. Korras turned to them, half a smile creeping up on his face. "Well then." Hades brow furrowed somewhat as he regarded the Obelisk Lord, the unspoken question hanging suspened in tension. Aeternus let the smile bloom completely across his face. "Well, I'm not about to let him have all the fun, are you?" He turned as Lilith helped Firith to his feet, stepping forward to follow the Grand Master into the breach. Firith snorted as he found the flask in his pocket, unscrewing the stopper and raising it to his lips in a smooth movement, the liquid courage bolstering his mindset. Hades nodded, following the Lord, his pace steady and measured. Evelynn smiled, the taste for revenge as sweet on her lips as any candy. Now, the dead shall die.